Today I Made Biscuits

Today I made biscuits.

I followed the recipe on the Bisquick box to make fluffy, flaky biscuits.

But that wasn’t my intention. I began by wanting to make sheet pan pancakes. I was craving pancakes and knew that standing over the griddle wasn’t possible for this particular morning due to my schedule. Luckily, there’s plenty of easy baked pancake recipes online that I could follow. Mix the pancake mix, add berries, and bake in a sheet pan until cooked. Perfect!

I began assembling the ingredients according to the recipe and opened up my fridge to reveal no eggs. Knowing pancakes were not in my immediate future, I quickly scanned the box to see what other recipes I could make. Cheddar sausage bites? No, I don’t have sausage either. Waffles? No, I don’t want something I have to pay attention to while cooking. I need a set-it-and-forget-it breakfast!

Biscuits? Sure! The recipe called for the baking mix, water, and oil. Easy and quick! I mixed the ingredients together, dropped them on a pan, and baked at 400 for 15 minutes. 

As they baked my house began to smell like fresh, buttery goodness. Even my husband came into the kitchen and commented how good it smelled! Once the timer went off I pulled them out of the oven, let them cool for a couple minutes, then assembled my breakfast of fresh, warm biscuits with butter and jam. 

It was a picturesque morning breakfast. But as I stated earlier, it wasn’t my intention. I really wanted pancakes… or so I thought. I realize now I wasn’t craving pancakes. I just wanted to use the pancake mix I had in my pantry. It wasn’t a taste-bud craving, but a stewardship craving.

One of my goals for this year is to better steward my time, resources, and thoughts. This includes my pantry. I am not particularly wasteful, but when it comes to food I definitely eat based on what I’m craving rather than what I have. This means there are some items that have been in my pantry for… awhile

As the biscuits baked and the smell wafted through my home, I realized that my craving for pancakes was satisfied because it wasn’t about the pancakes. It was about the pancake mix. It was about using the things I already had. 

I wonder what else I already have that I could be a better steward of? Maybe it’s reading the books on my shelf that I bought ages ago instead of going to the library for new ones. Maybe it’s scheduling a time to plan my meals for the week instead of waiting until I’m hungry to decide? What might it be for you?

Today I made biscuits. I wanted pancakes, but I made biscuits instead. And in doing so, I realized I craved being a good steward most of all. 

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