EMPOWERED Mission Trip Devotional Journal available now! GET IT HERE!

The Way of Gratitude

“May we rest in goodness, gratitude, and wonder all the days of our lives.” Hannah Rowen Fry writes thoughtful reflections on Scripture, inviting you to marvel at God’s character in The Way of Gratitude.

Download the

Guide to Abide

The guide to abide was created as a result of frustration and dissatisfaction in my faith. I was “doing all the right things” but still felt like there was something missing. If you find yourself in this same situation, I pray this will be a helpful resource to you, too. 

Just for you

Additional Resources

A free online community for women dedicated to exploring deeper levels of faith, nourishing their souls, and cultivating connections that echo the love of God. Join for monthly prayer prompts, seasonal challenges, and other practices that nurture faith.

The Revolution of Rest

YouVersion devotional plan with Women Speakers Collective - COMING SOON!

Entrusted to Lead Podcast

Listen to a thoughtful conversation on empowerment, gratitude, and life change between Hannah and Danita Cummins.

The Parable Podcast

Listen to a parable from Hannah's own life about identity, gratitude, and a new perspective on fasting.

Heading to Costa Rica

Summer 2024

Hannah Rowen Fry is a writer, speaker, and encourager. Her writing consists of observations of daily life, and uses daily reflections to guide others to live out their God-given purpose. Hannah’s passion is to help others experience greater joy in the present moment. 

She shares practical tips, helpful resources, and clear purposeful steps to abide in Jesus daily without legalism, judgment, or guilt. Her thoughtful reflections on Scripture invite those who have felt overwhelmed with their lifestyle, thoughts, or schedule to slow down and choose simplicity. Guided by encouragement, generosity, gratitude, and a healthy dose of responsibility, readers are invited to experience freedom as they find spiritual rhythms that cultivate faith and help them step into their God-purpose. 

Hannah lives in Jacksonville Beach, Florida with her husband Matt, and spends most of her free time walking on the beach, frolicking around DisneyWorld, and listening to Taylor Swift. Read more about her and her work at www.hannahrowenfry.com.

Hannah Rowen Fry is a writer, speaker, and encourager. Her writing consists of observations of daily life, and uses daily reflections to guide others to live out their God-given purpose. Hannah’s passion is to help others experience greater joy in the present moment. 

She shares practical tips, helpful resources, and clear purposeful steps to abide in Jesus daily without legalism, judgment, or guilt. Her thoughtful reflections on Scripture invite those who have felt overwhelmed with their lifestyle, thoughts, or schedule to slow down and choose simplicity. Guided by encouragement, generosity, gratitude, and a healthy dose of responsibility, readers are invited to experience freedom as they find spiritual rhythms that cultivate faith and help them step into their God-purpose. 

Hannah lives in Jacksonville Beach, Florida with her husband Matt, and spends most of her free time walking on the beach, frolicking around DisneyWorld, and listening to Taylor Swift. Read more about her and her work at www.hannahrowenfry.com.