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Today I...

Today I Saw Myself

Today I saw myself.  You probably saw yourself today, too. We see ourselves often–everytime we look in the mirror. What’s interesting to me about my reflection is that it’s not

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Today I Fasted

Today I fasted. I abstained from eating food for 24 hours in pursuit of God.  Fasting is a unique spiritual practice, because it’s more in your body than in your

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Today I Challenged My Body

This post was written by Rachel Clare Rodriguez, founder and owner of Inspira: The Lifestyle Brand. Today I challenged my body. Challenging my body is paramount to me, and it’s

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Today I Learned a New Language

Today I learned a new language.  I’ve been learning Spanish for my upcoming trip to Costa Rica.  Spanish isn’t completely foreign to me. I took a few classes in high

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Today I Traveled

Today I traveled.  I flew to Michigan and back in a day.  Yes, from Florida to Michigan in a day! I’ve seen a growing trend of trips like this, called

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Today I Had a Headache

Today I had a headache. Well, it was actually a migraine. Usually when I get a migraine, I wake up with it. Either I ate something the previous day to

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Today I Took a Break

Today I took a break. I was in the middle of my workday and had a few things on my to-do list that needed to get done, but I took

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Today I Went Shopping

Today I went shopping. I went shopping for a variety of items I’ll need to take on my upcoming month-long trip to Costa Rica.  While I’ve done a lot of

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Today I Collaborated

Today I collaborated.  My friend Cyndi and I collaborated on a writing project.  Cyndi and I are newer friends. We met less than a year ago in an online writing

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Today Was Revival, Part 3

Today was revival. I preached a three day children’s revival.  Someone asked me, “A children’s revival? How does that work?” I’ll admit, I was a little confused by their question.

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Today Was Revival, Part 2

Today was revival. I preached a three day children’s revival.  It’s always a privilege to share the Word of God, but there’s something even more special when I get to

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Today Was Revival, Part 1

Today was revival. I preached a three day children’s revival. My first full-time ministry job was in Family Ministries, and although I spend most of my time now teaching teens

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Today Was Simple

Today was simple. It was a simple Saturday. I began the day by sleeping in, which was much needed after a busy week! I woke up and lounged in bed

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Today I Cleaned

Today I cleaned. I cleaned my whole house! Well, to be clear, my husband did most of the cleaning. He likes to do the deep cleaning projects sporadically whereas I

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Today I Was Coached

Today I was coached. I had a coaching call with a new business coach. I am not new to coaching – in fact I’ve been in three different formal coaching

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Today I Saw Dolphins

Today I saw dolphins! I’ve lived in Florida for almost two years and finally saw a pod of dolphins swim by.  I’ve heard about all the wildlife that’s seen in

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Today I Sat Quietly

Today I sat quietly. I turned off the TV and put away my phone. I closed the books and set my journal aside. I sat quietly, with nothing but my

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Today I Drove Slow

Today I drove slow.  I took the slow lane of the interstate, on purpose.  I was midway through my two-hour drive, most of which was on the interstate, when the

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Today I Was Overwhelmed

Today I was overwhelmed.  I was overwhelmed with all the unknowns of my future.  When I was younger, I was an incessant planner. I remember getting my first planner in

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Today I Got Sweaty

Today I got sweaty. I was nervous, and my body reacted by sweating profusely.  I saw a contest pop up on my social media feed this week that I decided

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Today I Made Biscuits

Today I made biscuits. I followed the recipe on the Bisquick box to make fluffy, flaky biscuits. But that wasn’t my intention. I began by wanting to make sheet pan

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Today I See You

This post was written by author Amy Kemp, who has been my mentor and friend for over a decade. Visit amykemp.com for more information. Today I See You. For more

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Today I Sang Karaoke

Today I sang karaoke.  For the first time in my 32-year-old life, I sang karaoke. And it was SO much FUN! I didn’t realize how much my body needed to

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Today Was Graduation

Today was graduation. It was the graduation ceremony of Full Sail University where my niece received her diploma.  But before I tell you about how this relates to being “present

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Today I Was Known

Today I was known.  I was heard and I was understood. Have you ever heard the phrase, “To be known is to be loved?” I have heard this sporadically throughout

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Today I Argued With God

Today I argued with God.  I disagreed with the Creator of the universe. Bold, I know.  I sat down to choose my Word of the Year for 2024. This is

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Today I Was Thoughtful

Visit https://legacyrootsco.com/ for more information. Today I was thoughtful.  Well not specifically today, but this year I was thoughtful.  “Thoughtful” was my Word of the Year for 2023, and I

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Today I Was Courageous

This post was written in December 2022. Visit https://legacyrootsco.com/ for more information. Today I was courageous.  Well not specifically today, but this year I was courageous. I have never chosen a “Word of

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Today I Heard the Ocean

Today I heard the ocean. It was a windy day and I could hear the ocean waves crash on the sand while I sat on my couch.  The walls to

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Today I Was Sick

Today I was sick. I’ve had a sore throat, congestion, and runny nose for two days now.  My husband woke up sick a few days ago, so I assumed it

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Today I Went to Church, Part 3

Today I went to church.  I attended church online instead of in person.  My church hosts online services that are nearly identical to the live services. Since the pandemic many

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Today Was Christmas Eve

Today was Christmas Eve.  It was Christmas Eve, and I went to worship services at three different churches. Yes, I’ve always been an overachiever.  This year I spent a lot

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Today I Went to Church, Part 2

Today I went to church. I didn’t want to go, but I went anyway.  I’ve gone to church almost every week my whole life. But not always joyfully. Sometimes I’m

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Today Was Silent

Today was silent. I had a quiet, calm morning. My husband went to work before I got out of bed, so by the time I got up, the house was

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Today I Paused

This post was written coming home from a retreat in November 2022. Visit amykemp.com/pause for more information. Today I paused.  I pressed pause on my regular routine.  I joined a

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Today Was Thanksgiving

Today was Thanksgiving. I love the slowness and simplicity of the way we celebrate Thanksgiving.  It’s not like Christmas, which requires thought and action ahead of time as we purchase

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Today I Flew

Today I flew.  I flew on an airplane home from a weekend retreat. One thing I love about flying is the natural transition it offers. A quiet-ish area, no internet,

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Gratitude Challenge, Part 2

I shared in last week’s post that this Gratitude Challenge came about as a result of figuring out how to morph industry trends to be more aligned with who I

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Gratitude Challenge, Part 1

It began with overwhelm. As a new author trying to learn how to market my book well, focused on serving my readers and meeting their needs, I was overwhelmed. Publishing

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Today I Knew

Today I knew.  I knew what to do.  I knew what not to do.  The last few months for me have been focused on answering the question “What will I

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Today I Went to Costa Rica

Be prepared, this is a longer post than normal! If you don’t have time to read it all, here’s the quick version: I went to Costa Rica for a week

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Today I Took Care

Today I took care. I took care of myself. Am I using that phrase correctly? I’ve only heard it as “take care” so it sounds a bit wonky. Kind of

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Today Was Confirmation

Today was confirmation.  I preached at a youth retreat to confirmands, lived out my confirmation vows, and confirmed my calling again. Yes, I am using this word in as many

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Today I Said Yes

Today I said yes. I answered the call (literally a phone call) to go to Costa Rica in just two weeks.  One thing I love about my current season of

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Today I Asked

Today I asked. I asked a question I was nervous to hear the answer to.  A couple weeks ago, my husband shared a feeling he had that I didn’t understand.

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Today I Walked

Today I walked.  I went for an afternoon walk. I set out with the intention to take a break from my work, get some exercise in, and grab a cup

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Today I Was Grumpy

Today I was grumpy. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed.  I’m typically a cheery, joyful person who wakes up energized and ready for the day, so

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Today I Practiced Yoga

Today I practiced yoga. I got on the mat and stretched.  I’ve attended in-person yoga classes but also practice at home following videos on YouTube as a guide. Each time

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Today I Went to Disney World

Today I went to Disney World. I spent 48 hours in the “Most Magical Place on Earth.”  Most people call Disney World the “Happiest Place on Earth” but that is

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