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Today I Saw Myself

Today I saw myself.  You probably saw yourself today, too. We see ourselves often–everytime we look in the mirror. What’s interesting to me about my reflection is that it’s not actually what other people see when they look at me. It’s the inverse. My face is flipped.  We cannot look in the mirror and see […]

Today I Fasted

Today I fasted. I abstained from eating food for 24 hours in pursuit of God.  Fasting is a unique spiritual practice, because it’s more in your body than in your mind. Scripture reading and prayer, the two most common ways to engage with God, are primarily about your thoughts. There are postures associated with prayer, […]

Today I Challenged My Body

This post was written by Rachel Clare Rodriguez, founder and owner of Inspira: The Lifestyle Brand. Today I challenged my body. Challenging my body is paramount to me, and it’s been months since I’ve challenged myselfphysically. I’ve always been an athlete and enjoy challenging my body. I became a mom nearly six monthsago, and I […]

Today I Learned a New Language

Today I learned a new language.  I’ve been learning Spanish for my upcoming trip to Costa Rica.  Spanish isn’t completely foreign to me. I took a few classes in high school that I remember the basics from. And my time at DisneyWorld has kept “Por favor manténgase alejado de las puertas” on repeat in my […]

Today I Traveled

Today I traveled.  I flew to Michigan and back in a day.  Yes, from Florida to Michigan in a day! I’ve seen a growing trend of trips like this, called “out and back” trips. The more common destinations I’ve seen are New York City, DisneyWorld, and Washington D.C.  When I lived in Illinois, I planned […]

Today I Had a Headache

Today I had a headache. Well, it was actually a migraine. Usually when I get a migraine, I wake up with it. Either I ate something the previous day to trigger the pain or the pressure from an incoming storm causes my sinuses to react. When I wake up with a migraine like this, I […]

Today I Took a Break

Today I took a break. I was in the middle of my workday and had a few things on my to-do list that needed to get done, but I took a break. A lot of my work with writing, reading, and preaching is mentally exhausting. There are some days that I can write for hours […]

Today I Went Shopping

Today I went shopping. I went shopping for a variety of items I’ll need to take on my upcoming month-long trip to Costa Rica.  While I’ve done a lot of traveling in my life, I’ve never been gone for a whole month with no breaks before. In the weeks after grad school before I started […]

Today I Collaborated

Today I collaborated.  My friend Cyndi and I collaborated on a writing project.  Cyndi and I are newer friends. We met less than a year ago in an online writing group. She released her first book, Princess in Progress, just a few months before I released my first devotional, The Way of Gratitude. One day, […]

Today Was Revival, Part 3

Today was revival. I preached a three day children’s revival.  Someone asked me, “A children’s revival? How does that work?” I’ll admit, I was a little confused by their question. Were they asking what the order of service was? Were they wondering if children pray at an altar like adults do? Or did they just […]