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Gratitude Challenge, Part 2

I shared in last week’s post that this Gratitude Challenge came about as a result of figuring out how to morph industry trends to be more aligned with who I am as a writer and with what I want to offer my readers. 

More than anything, I want to provide helpful resources for your life and faith. I want to share with you what I have found valuable for myself. Some common themes among these resources are simplicity and focusing on the present moment. I knew I wanted to carry these themes into the 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge, too. 

Luckily, my book The Way of Gratitude already does that! It’s a collection of 21 devotionals about goodness, wonder, and getting back to the roots of faith in Jesus. It’s about as simple and focused on the present moment as can be without just coming straight out and saying so! With the content set, next it was time to figure out what else the challenge would offer that aligned with these two themes.

I reached out to my friends at Scripturedoodle to create a gratitude reflection and coloring sheet for challenge participants. April and her team have a beautiful way of encouraging worship through art! I’ve used their Sabbath Reflection sheet for awhile and love the creativity it brings to my week. They agreed, and I was one step closer to creating the challenge.

I also knew I wanted to invite a few of my ministry friends to lead the challenge on my Sabbath days. Even though the daily videos sharing the devotionals would be pre-recorded, it was important to me to show that it’s okay to ask for help and take a day off, even in a challenge I created! I am passionate about intentional rest as part of a weekly rhythm. I talk and write about it often, but sometimes show-and-tell is a more powerful way to teach.

As I began to invite these friends to be part of it, I thought about why I had asked them. The truth is, they each had added value to my life and faith. Either through the ministries they run or just the way they live their lives, I knew sharing them with you all would add value to your life, too. I invited them to be part of the challenge by leading a devotional and sharing a resource. I’m amazed by their generosity! 

Somehow, my idea of adapting overwhelming book marketing trends to be aligned with my mission ended up with eight free bonus resources! I am reminded of Ephesians 3:20-21, “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be the glory…” Immeasurably more is a great way to describe it!

Thank you to all the guests who agreed to be part of the challenge. Thank you to all who provided resources. And thank you to all who took on the challenge, who read the daily emails, who watched the devotional videos, and who ordered The Way of Gratitude to follow along. You are part of the immeasurably more. 

Thanks for making this a part of your day!
Feel free to share it with others!

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