Celebrating One Year – Happy Anniversery to The Way of Gratitude! GET IT HERE!

Today Was Thanksgiving

Today was Thanksgiving. I love the slowness and simplicity of the way we celebrate Thanksgiving.  It’s not like Christmas, which requires thought and action ahead of time as we purchase and wrap gifts. It’s not like Valentine’s Day, which has a subtle pressure to have a full holiday celebration in one single meal with no […]

Today I Flew

Today I flew.  I flew on an airplane home from a weekend retreat. One thing I love about flying is the natural transition it offers. A quiet-ish area, no internet, and a confined space is the perfect arena for introspection. Whether it’s a 40-minute flight or several hours, each plane ride is an opportunity to […]

Gratitude Challenge, Part 2

I shared in last week’s post that this Gratitude Challenge came about as a result of figuring out how to morph industry trends to be more aligned with who I am as a writer and with what I want to offer my readers.  More than anything, I want to provide helpful resources for your life […]

Gratitude Challenge, Part 1

It began with overwhelm. As a new author trying to learn how to market my book well, focused on serving my readers and meeting their needs, I was overwhelmed. Publishing a book was a new endeavor for me. The entire writing industry was new for me! Without a team to guide and support me, each […]

Today I Knew

Today I knew.  I knew what to do.  I knew what not to do.  The last few months for me have been focused on answering the question “What will I do next?” I have an interesting background career-wise. My resume is a bit confusing to those who do not know me. Family Ministries Director, Sales […]

Today I Went to Costa Rica

Be prepared, this is a longer post than normal! If you don’t have time to read it all, here’s the quick version: I went to Costa Rica for a week supporting the education, ministry, social work, and programs of Faithful Servant Missions. For readers looking for a more detailed recounting, keep on scrolling! The Schedule […]

Today I Took Care

Today I took care. I took care of myself. Am I using that phrase correctly? I’ve only heard it as “take care” so it sounds a bit wonky. Kind of like “passersby” or “brothers-in-law.” Technically correct, but definitely makes me do a double take. Anyway, back to the main point.  Today I took care of […]

Today Was Confirmation

Today was confirmation.  I preached at a youth retreat to confirmands, lived out my confirmation vows, and confirmed my calling again. Yes, I am using this word in as many ways as possible… Welcome to a grammar lesson with Hannah! Be prepared to understand “confirmation” as a noun, a proper noun, and verb by the […]

Today I Said Yes

Today I said yes. I answered the call (literally a phone call) to go to Costa Rica in just two weeks.  One thing I love about my current season of life is the flexibility in my schedule to be able to say yes. When my sister calls asking, “Can you come hang with the baby […]

Today I Asked

Today I asked. I asked a question I was nervous to hear the answer to.  A couple weeks ago, my husband shared a feeling he had that I didn’t understand. I told him “I’m not sure what you mean by that” and his response was that it was just a feeling he was processing. He […]