Today I Was Courageous

This post was written in December 2022. Visit for more information.

Today I was courageous. 

Well not specifically today, but this year I was courageous.

I have never chosen a “Word of the Year” before 2022. Prompted by some friends, I attended a word of the year workshop. Before this I wasn’t really sure what picking a word meant. Was it just something to focus on for the next 12 months? If so, wouldn’t it be better to focus on a Bible verse or a habit or something more tangible than just a word? What do I do once I pick a word? Do I tell people? Is it just for me? I didn’t really understand this practice, what it was or how to do it. 

Along with the help of my friends at Legacy Roots Co, I took the time to learn what choosing a word really meant and how to do it in a meaningful way. They taught me picking a word was less about what I was doing, and more on who I was becoming. They showed me how a word could support me, as a reminder of encouragement and of empowerment, as a humble challenger and a gentle guide. 

My word for 2022 was “courage.” I wanted to practice having courage. I knew that just practicing it would eventually grow it in me. I wanted to try to not be afraid. I wanted to do hard things, just try, just practice, without being afraid of failing. 

Looking back on the past year, a lot has changed. We courageously moved from Illinois to Florida. I courageously stepped back from work, entering a Sabbatical. We courageously changed our life circumstances to rebuild what we believe God is calling us to. It was a year marked by sacrifice and newness. It was a year of practicing courage. 

I can think of some moments that lacked courage, too. I didn’t have all my hard conversations in a timely manner. I didn’t seek the help I needed for fear of change. We stumbled, we fought, we avoided when we should have chosen courage in the face of fear. But these moments grew us just as much as the times we were courageous. Vulnerability marked many moments of courage. Fear was present, but not our guide. 

Finishing up this year and entering a new one, I’ll pick a Word of the Year again. I like this practice. Maybe it’ll be “courage” again, maybe it will be something else. Either way, I’ll be better for it. 

Today I was courageous. 

I had courage this year, along with fear. We’ll see what next year brings. 

Thanks for making this a part of your day!
Feel free to share it with others!

8 Responses

  1. I just started the “Word for the year” this year. I chose the word Consistency, I’m haven’t been very consistent in my healthy habits.

    1. Consistency is such a good word for the year! And the beauty of choosing a Word of the Year instead of a New Year’s Resolution is that you can slowly embody it over the 12 months. It’s not an all-or-nothing change of habit, but a becoming of sorts. Enjoy growing in your consistency this year!

  2. I never thought to do that, choose a word. Thank you for sharing. Now it’s time for me to think what my word should be.

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