Today I Cleaned

Today I cleaned.

I cleaned my whole house! Well, to be clear, my husband did most of the cleaning. He likes to do the deep cleaning projects sporadically whereas I prefer a little tidying every day.

It’s springtime, and even though we have a small home in Florida, it can easily get cluttered throughout the hibernation of winter. But as the windows begin to open and the days get longer, it just feels good to purge! To get rid of the clothes we haven’t worn or have outgrown. To pull everything out of the closet and dust behind every nook. Even to dust the fans and clean out the fridge! 

So today, we cleaned. And it feels so good! It’s amazing how a little refresh can change your whole perspective. 

The scent of freshly washed sheets reminds me how important the simple things are. One of the best feelings is climbing into a freshly tucked bed! It even makes me feel important, like I’m worth taking care of and so is my stuff. 

I don’t know about you, but I go through phases where I feel like I need a new car or a new couch, or some other bigger purchase. For whatever reason, every once in a while I feel like I need all new stuff, like the things I have aren’t good enough anymore. But then, I clean out the car and get a new air freshener in there. Suddenly, I don’t feel the need for a new car anymore! Instead of spending thousands on a new car, I achieved the same feeling with a $5 pine tree on my rearview mirror. Or I’ll rearrange my living room furniture–couches, TV, end tables, and even the artwork. Suddenly, my house feels brand new! 

I wonder about this for other things in life, too. Do I need a new job, or do I need to just make an adjustment at the one I already have? Do I need a new diet, or do I just need some new recipes to try? Do I need to go on a vacation, or do I just need some quality time with my husband? 

Is there anything like this in your life? In what other areas can you experience the fresh feeling you get after spring cleaning?

Today I cleaned. And I feel like a brand new person!

Thanks for making this a part of your day!
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