Today I Ate Taco Bell
Today I ate Taco Bell. I ordered my favorite $3 nachos and devoured them with a side of spicy potatoes! Nachos have always been one of my favorite foods. Matt and I even served a nacho bar at our wedding! When it comes to chips, cheese, and whatever other toppings happen to be available, I […]
I’ve been in Costa Rica for one week now, and I’ve noticed a few things seem to be loved no matter the culture: Wednesday is BOGO day at one of the local frozen yogurt shops! So my friend Victoria (read her story in the EMPOWERED journal), my friend Jenny (one of the FSM staff), and […]
I woke up and had one of my favorite breakfasts – empanadas! One of the things I remember most from my time in Costa Rica last October was the food. We had fresh pico de gallo, homemade tortillas, and a variety of flavorful spiced rice and bean dishes every day. Plus fresh, tropical fruits like […]