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Missions Blog

Today I Taught Spanish

Today I taught Spanish. To be more clear, I substitute taught for a Spanish class.  Usually as a substitute teacher, there’s a pretty low expectation set. This is especially true

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Eye Surgery for Carlos

Meet Carlos.  He works at Faithful Servant Missions as the Recreation Supervisor. When you visit the mission, you’ll usually see him running around with the children and a whistle. He

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It took three weeks, but I finally felt a disconnect between my mind and my body.  I’ve been pretty intentional about taking care of myself and honoring my limits while

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When you go on a mission trip, to church camp, to a worship conference, or even just to regular Sunday morning service, there’s an expectation that you’ll meet with God.

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Growing in Faith

On my last trip to Costa Rica, one of my favorite experiences was sitting in on the adults’ English class. The teacher, Johan, works with both kids and adults in

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Sabbath on a Mission Trip

If you’ve been around my corner of the internet for even a few days, you’ve probably read something about slowing down, rest, or Sabbath. This is perhaps the only spiritual

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Everything in Costa Rica is beautiful. At every turn there’s a mountain, tree canopy, cotton candy clouds, and vibrant flowers.  Yet I’m still amazed at the neverending gifts of God

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I’ve been in Costa Rica for one week now, and I’ve noticed a few things seem to be loved no matter the culture: Wednesday is BOGO day at one of

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Villa Larry

Something that’s so powerful that Faithful Servant Missions does with those in the community is home visits. When mission teams come to San Ramón, they break into small groups and

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Call Me Maestra

The main reason I’m spending a month in Costa Rica is to support the ministry leaders at La Viña San Ramón, which is the church that has its home at

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I woke up and had one of my favorite breakfasts – empanadas!  One of the things I remember most from my time in Costa Rica last October was the food.

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Guava Bread

My friend Ute and I walked to a local bakery to pick up a variety of sweet breads. One was filled with cream cheese and sprinkled with coarse sugar. One

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Walking through San Ramón I saw a nurse heading into the hospital for work. She was about my age. White scrubs. Long blonde balayage hair in a high ponytail with

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Less than three hours in the country and already beautiful things are happening! Our flight was smooth; about three hours with little turbulence. The in-flight snacks were tasty. And even

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Plane & Simple

I love planes! I love flying. I love the energy of the airport, full of curious and excited people ready for adventure! The restaurants and shops are so fun, too,

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Today I Went to Costa Rica

Be prepared, this is a longer post than normal! If you don’t have time to read it all, here’s the quick version: I went to Costa Rica for a week

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