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Custom Devotional Plans

Custom Devotional Plans

Tailored to You!

Are you wanting to study a specific topic in Scripture? Or maybe you're hoping to kickstart a new rhythm of spiritual practices in your life? Perhaps you need a fresh perspective on your relationship with God? 

As faith and life change, there are times we have an easier time connecting with God than others, and it can be helpful to have a spiritual growth plan that reflects this. Questions about life and faith that exist in each season vary… What would your life and faith look like if you had resources at your fingertips to address these questions? Instead of feeling guilty about a devotional plan or Bible study isn’t “working” for you, let’s work together and be creative about your life and faith today with a Custom Devotional Plan. Every aspect of the Custom Devotional Plan is designed to meet your specific needs such as:
  • how much time you have each day to spend
  • how you engage with the material (reading, writing, or listening)
  • how many days per week you want to set time aside for spiritual growth
  • how long you want to commit, either 30 or 90 days.
God made each of us unique individuals and I want to celebrate that alongside you! Let’s discover together how your faith grows when you’re supported and resourced specifically to your needs!
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Instead of feeling guilty about a devotional plan or Bible study isn't "working" for you, let's work together and be creative about your life and faith today with a Custom Devotional Plan.

About Custom Devotional Plans

. This Is A Resource

First, let me be clear: this is NOT coaching, counseling, or spiritual direction. The better term for it would be resourcing. With a Custom Devotional Plan, you’ll fill out a short questionnaire about your faith and I’ll resource you with either an original devotional plan or an existing one that would be best suited to address your needs. Think of it more like Google – instead of searching the internet and wading through pages of resources, I connect you to the tools you need.

. 30 Or 90 Day Plans

Second, this is NOT forever. Each Custom Devotional Plan is 30 or 90 days, depending on your preference. I would love to work with you for a season, help you kickstart a new spiritual rhythm, or be a refreshing touchpoint throughout the year as your faith and life change. The reality is there are times we have an easier time connecting with God than others; the questions about life and faith that exist in each season vary. The devotional plan you followed last year may not suit your needs this year, and that’s okay!

. Tailored to YOU

Third, this is FOR you. Every aspect of the Custom Devotional Plan is designed to meet your specific needs such as:
  • how much time you have each day to spend
  • how you engage with the material (reading, writing, or listening)
  • how many days per week you want to set time aside for spiritual growth

God made each of us unique individuals and I want to celebrate that alongside you! This means what works for one person may not work for all. Let’s discover together how your faith grows when you’re supported and resourced specifically to your needs!


Helpful things to know
about Custom Devotional Plans

No, I’m a resourcer and encourager! I connect you to the right resources that can help your individual faith concerns. I’m a theologian and teacher at heart; connecting you to the right information is one of my passions and gifts.

Depending on how you like to learn and engage, it could be books, workbooks, podcasts, music, Scripture reading plans, or an original devotional from me. Based on your preference, you could be reading, writing, listening, journaling, or even coloring, painting, or baking. Some plans may even incorporate breath work or body movement!

30 or 90 day plans are currently available. I would love to work with you for a season, help you kickstart a new spiritual rhythm, or be a refreshing touchpoint throughout the year as your faith and life change.  At the end of your Custom Devotional Plan, you can sign up for another one.

We’ll talk about that before we get started and the plan will be molded to your unique schedule. I’ll ask how much time each day and how many days each week you’d like to set aside for your spiritual growth. We can get creative about how and when you’re focused on your faith.

Let's discover together how your faith grows when you're committed, supported, and resourced specifically to your needs!

Custom Devotional Plan Interest Form

Interested in working with Hannah on a Custom Devotional Plan? She will create a 30 or 90 day devotional plan specifically designed around your needs. Fill out the survey below and she’ll be in touch with next steps.