Call Me Maestra

The main reason I’m spending a month in Costa Rica is to support the ministry leaders at La Viña San Ramón, which is the church that has its home at Faithful Servant Missions. Each week these twelve leaders and I will gather together to study Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero. 

This week we had our first gathering and it was a Holy Spirit filled time of depth and introduction. One thing I love about teaching is the intersection between preparation and sensitivity to God’s voice in the moment of delivery. I spend months learning and studying, compiling my notes into outlines, manuscripts, discussion questions, and devotionals for the groups. I practice my teaching, reducing my notes and adjusting my delivery as needed. 

Then, when it comes time to present the information, it’s all trust. Trusting my notes to carry me. Trusting myself to listen to God’s promptings and attuned to the sensitivity of the room. And mostly, trusting Holy Spirit to guide me. 

Call me “Maestra”

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