Celebrating One Year – Happy Anniversery to The Way of Gratitude! GET IT HERE!

Today I Learned a New Language

Today I learned a new language.  I’ve been learning Spanish for my upcoming trip to Costa Rica.  Spanish isn’t completely foreign to me. I took a few classes in high school that I remember the basics from. And my time at DisneyWorld has kept “Por favor manténgase alejado de las puertas” on repeat in my […]

Today I Traveled

Today I traveled.  I flew to Michigan and back in a day.  Yes, from Florida to Michigan in a day! I’ve seen a growing trend of trips like this, called “out and back” trips. The more common destinations I’ve seen are New York City, DisneyWorld, and Washington D.C.  When I lived in Illinois, I planned […]

Today I Had a Headache

Today I had a headache. Well, it was actually a migraine. Usually when I get a migraine, I wake up with it. Either I ate something the previous day to trigger the pain or the pressure from an incoming storm causes my sinuses to react. When I wake up with a migraine like this, I […]

Today I Took a Break

Today I took a break. I was in the middle of my workday and had a few things on my to-do list that needed to get done, but I took a break. A lot of my work with writing, reading, and preaching is mentally exhausting. There are some days that I can write for hours […]

Today I Went Shopping

Today I went shopping. I went shopping for a variety of items I’ll need to take on my upcoming month-long trip to Costa Rica.  While I’ve done a lot of traveling in my life, I’ve never been gone for a whole month with no breaks before. In the weeks after grad school before I started […]

Today I Collaborated

Today I collaborated.  My friend Cyndi and I collaborated on a writing project.  Cyndi and I are newer friends. We met less than a year ago in an online writing group. She released her first book, Princess in Progress, just a few months before I released my first devotional, The Way of Gratitude. One day, […]

Today Was Revival, Part 3

Today was revival. I preached a three day children’s revival.  Someone asked me, “A children’s revival? How does that work?” I’ll admit, I was a little confused by their question. Were they asking what the order of service was? Were they wondering if children pray at an altar like adults do? Or did they just […]

Today Was Revival, Part 2

Today was revival. I preached a three day children’s revival.  It’s always a privilege to share the Word of God, but there’s something even more special when I get to spend a few days sharing it with the same group. This gives me the opportunity to learn more about the people I’m preaching to and […]

Today Was Revival, Part 1

Today was revival. I preached a three day children’s revival. My first full-time ministry job was in Family Ministries, and although I spend most of my time now teaching teens and adults, kids still have a special place in my heart. I believe theology begins at birth, and that the kingdom of God is not […]

Today Was Simple

Today was simple. It was a simple Saturday. I began the day by sleeping in, which was much needed after a busy week! I woke up and lounged in bed enjoying the slow start to my day. Finally I got up and enjoyed a nice cup of espresso at about 10am.  I’ve always been more […]