Celebrating One Year – Happy Anniversery to The Way of Gratitude! GET IT HERE!

Today I Ate Taco Bell

Today I ate Taco Bell. I ordered my favorite $3 nachos and devoured them with a side of spicy potatoes! Nachos have always been one of my favorite foods. Matt and I even served a nacho bar at our wedding! When it comes to chips, cheese, and whatever other toppings happen to be available, I […]

Today I Abided

Today I abided. I fasted and prayed as part of my Sabbath.  When these three spiritual rhythms are combined, the mystery of God is on display in a way that’s hard to explain. I talk a lot about Sabbath when I teach. I share a little about prayer–mostly that it’s the weakest area of my […]

Today I Went to a Football Game

Today I went to a football game.  It was my first NFL game ever!  I’ve lived in the Jacksonville, Florida area for two years now, also known as Duval County. Or, more colloquially, DUUUVALLLLL! One thing I’ve noticed about living in a variety of places is the varying commitments to the sports teams in each […]

Today I Felt Nostalgic

Today I felt nostalgic.  I’m not a very sentimental person, but today I felt nostalgic as I arrived home from a month in Costa Rica and began to reflect on my time there and the life I was returning home to.  August is a big month for me! Matt and I are celebrating eight years […]


It took three weeks, but I finally felt a disconnect between my mind and my body.  I’ve been pretty intentional about taking care of myself and honoring my limits while I’m in Costa Rica. I knew this was going to be a marathon and not a sprint. So I’ve sat out of certain activities to […]


When you go on a mission trip, to church camp, to a worship conference, or even just to regular Sunday morning service, there’s an expectation that you’ll meet with God. We should expect to encounter God through these events! But we should also expect to experience God’s love in the daily, simple moments at home. […]

Sabbath on a Mission Trip

If you’ve been around my corner of the internet for even a few days, you’ve probably read something about slowing down, rest, or Sabbath. This is perhaps the only spiritual practice that I lean toward legalism on. But for me, this is necessary.  An intentional time each week of resting with God is as necessary […]


Everything in Costa Rica is beautiful. At every turn there’s a mountain, tree canopy, cotton candy clouds, and vibrant flowers.  Yet I’m still amazed at the neverending gifts of God through the nature he created here.  A simple rain shower is more beautiful against the backdrop of luscious greenery.  The setting sun sets the sky […]


I’ve been in Costa Rica for one week now, and I’ve noticed a few things seem to be loved no matter the culture: Wednesday is BOGO day at one of the local frozen yogurt shops! So my friend Victoria (read her story in the EMPOWERED journal), my friend Jenny (one of the FSM staff), and […]

Villa Larry

Something that’s so powerful that Faithful Servant Missions does with those in the community is home visits. When mission teams come to San Ramón, they break into small groups and spend an afternoon at a local house. This is a tangible way for the missionaries to see what life is like practically for those who […]